The arboviral threat: a growing hazard in an uncertain world
UK Parliament, Portcullis House, London UK
14 June 2023
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases and the International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases have been delighted to convene a meeting & networking reception at the UK Parliament:
"The arboviral threat: a growing hazard in an uncertain world"
on Wednesday June 14th 2023 at Portcullis House, London UK
This session looks at the growing threat of arboviral diseases such as dengue and chikungunya, the responses and collaborations urgently needed for those regions experiencing explosive outbreaks as well as the risks and roles for non-endemic countries. The recording is available below:
Dr Ibrahima Socé Fall (World Health Organization, Director of the Global Neglected Tropical Diseases Programme)
Dr Dinu Guruge (Ministry of Health Sri Lanka & DNDi)
Dr Theodore Tsai (VP Immunizations Science and Policy, Takeda)
Dr Juan Carlos Jaramillo (Chief Medical Officer, Valneva)
Sergio Lopes (Deputy Director, MENTOR Initiative)
H E Mrs Saroja Sirisena (High Commissioner of Sri Lanka)
Catherine West MP (Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom)
Chaired by Lord Trees
The International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases