Dr. Fiona Allen (NHM) Monitoring Schistosomiasis transmission using snail intermediate hosts
Dr. Fiona Allen (Natural History Museum) Monitoring Schistosomiasis transmission using snail intermediate hosts

Dr. Bonnie Webster (Natural History Museum London): Molecular diagnostics for schistosomiasis
At ISNTD d³ 2017, Dr. Bonnie Webster from the Natural History Museum London speaks about recent research at the NHM to develop molecular dia

Enwono Eyoh (University of Edinburgh): Why don't we have a vaccine for schistosomiasis?
At ISNTD d³ 2017, Enwono Eyoh, member of the Parasite Immuno-Epidemiology group at the University of Edinburgh, speaks about current researc

David Urry (Natural History Museum): Parasites in Motion
At ISNTD Festival 2017, David Urry from the Natural History Museum London speaks about the museum's numerous events and initiatives to b