Prudence Hamade (Myanmar & UK): contracting dengue while working in an outbreak
Dr. Prudence Hamade is Senior Technical Advisor at Malaria Consortium. Trained as a pediatrician, she has more than 20 years’...

Hadian Sasmita (Indonesia): dengue at age twelve
Hadian Sasmita is a researcher at the National Nuclear Energy Agency, Indonesia. Hadian contracted dengue while she was a child, aged 12,...

Nicola Hill (UK): dengue, an infection with far-reaching consequences
Nicola Hill is an acclaimed British health journalist and seasoned traveller. When dengue fever hit her while meeting with her daughter...

Donald Brooks (Burkina Faso & USA): dengue & misdiagnosis
Donald Brooks is CEO and founder of Initiative:Eau an NGO dedicated to increasing the safety and quality of drinking water services in...

Pauline Paterson (The Vaccine Confidence Project / LSHTM): Sustaining trust in a post-truth world -
Dr. Pauline Paterson (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, The Vaccine Confidence Project) speaks about sustaining trust in a...

Dr. Francis Moussy (World Health Organisation)
Dr. Francis Moussy World Health Organisation Essential Diagnostics List Secretariat In May 2018, the World Health Organisation led the...

Dr. Lisa Reimer (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine)
Dr. Lisa Reimer Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Department of Vector Biology Senior Lecturer Dr. Lisa Reimer is Senior Lecturer at...

Blaine Doyle (GlowDX) What's the point-of-care-ing about data?
Blaine Doyle CEO of GlowDX a diagnostics start up shares his thoughts about the importance of data generated at point of use and its potenti

Dr Laurence Flevaud (MSF) Diagnostic tools - Unmet needs and how to boost development
Dr Laurence Flevaud (MSF) Diagnostic tools - Unmet needs and how to boost development

Dr Xavier Ding (FIND) Next Generation Plasmodium vivax diagnostics - TPP's
Dr Xavier Ding (FIND) discusses the challenges and hurdles in terms of defining next generation Plasmodium vivax diagnostics -for control an