Panel Discussion: Trends in philanthropy for NTDs & global health
Panel Discussion: Trends in philanthropy for NTDs & global health
Panel Discussion: East Asia & NTDs: Philanthropy, Development Finance & Programmes
East Asia & NTDs: Philanthropy, Development Finance & Programmes
Chair : Prof Alan Fenwick (SCI & Imperial College London)
Panel Discussion: Innovative & Venture Philanthropy - Cryptocurrency, Social and Venture Philant
Panel Discussion: Innovative & venture philanthropy
Chair: Mr Raf Goovaerts ( LGT Venture Philanthropy)
Ms. Anne Holm Rannaleet (IKA
Dr.Julie Jacobson (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) NTD Funding & Philanthropy
Dr.Julie Jacobson (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) NTD Funding & Philanthropy
Dr. Martina Gliber (Fondation Merieux): An integrated approach
Dr. Martina Gliber (Fondation Merieux) discusses an integrated approach to philanthropic funding and NTD programme development
Michelle Joanisse (DNDi) Trends in NTD Funding & Philanthropy
Michelle Joanisse (DNDi) Trends in NTD Funding & Philanthropy
Sarah Marchal Murray (The END Fund) Mobilizing & deployed resources for NTD Control
Sarah Marchal Murray (The END Fund) Mobilizing & deployed resources for NTD Control
Dr. Neeraj Mistry (Global Network for NTDs) Philanthropy's role in the evolving fight against NT
Dr. Neeraj Mistry (Global Network for NTDs) Philanthropy's role in the evolving fight against NTDs
Raf Goovaerts (LGT Venture Philanthropy) : Innovative & Venture Philanthropy
Mr Raf Goovaerts from LGT Venture Philanthropy discusses the evolving venture philanthropy finance landscape and its potential to reshape gl
Prof. Stephen Chan OBE - SOAS University of London
Prof. Stephen Chan OBE - School of Oriental and African Studies University of London East Asia & Philanthropy - How has East Asian Phila