Panel Discussion: Trends in philanthropy for NTDs & global health
Trends in philanthropy for NTDs & global health
Panel Discussion: Trends in philanthropy for NTDs & global health - What will be the emergent trends in philanthropic engagement for global health? Fundraising, Donation, Measurement and Evaluation, Investment
Dr. Mike Turner (Wellcome Trust)
Dr. Neeraj Mistry (Global Network for NTDs)
Dr. Julie Jacobson (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
Dr. Michele Joanisse (DNDi)Dr.
Joao Pedro (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation)
Dr. Tobin Aldrich
Dr. Susan Walker (Sightsavers)
Recorded at ISNTD Philanthropy on Sept 29th 2014 at the Foundling Museum, London
For more information please contact:
Kamran Rafiq